dry spell
i've been pretty dry on blogging ideas, so i'll just share a couple thoughts. soon enough i will be inundated with ideas, not to worry.-Milan Kundera is one of my absolute favorite authors and i recommend him, not to everyone but unless i know you, i don't know if you would like him. i sometimes will come to a sentence and put down the book, thinking that i could never read a more beautiful/interesting/thought-provoking sentence for the rest of my life.
-i'm learning French and the other day i was reading an article and came across the phrase "déjà vu." this means "already seen" in French. i learned this years ago, and i've used the phrase easily over 100 times in my life, not to mention seen the phrase, heard other people say it, etc. but this time when i came across it, my mind didn't register it like the concept of "déjà vu" that i know in English. my mind read it as the word "déjà" which means "already," like "ya" in Spanish, and "vu," which is the past participle of the verb "voir"-"to see," and i understood it in French, rather than in English. it became a literal rather than an abstract concept. and this is one of the wonderful aspects of learning other languages.
-the best advice that i have been given recently is "Cheer up. Life is short."
Es cierto que a través de otras lenguas se conocen muchas cosas de la vida y del ser humano.
Hace tiempo me enteré que en algunas lenguas africanas no existe el tiempo verbal condicional. No existe el "hubiera, hubiese..."
Sólo existe el presente, el pasado y el futuro. Casi así me gusta más.
Un besote y feliz año 08.
feliz año a ti tambien, nacho.
si, es cierto, se conoce bastante, yo diría todo, al aprender otra lengua, incluso ves el mundo como más grande o más pequeño o consideras a la gente como menos humana, o más humana...cosas así
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