on the eve of my last day in Hawai'i, i reflect that a month, depending on the circumstances, is usually not sufficient time to know a place. this can be compared to a person, i suppose. can you get to know somebody in a month's time? hardly. the complexity of a human soul makes this impossible. thus it is with places, and even more so, since usually places have a history longer than the span of a single human life.the last 3 places i have traveled to i have spent at least 2.5 months there. i left sad. but this time not only do i leave sad but also with the feeling that i only have a taste of Hawai'i. a taste is okay. but i'm the kind of person who likes to have mouthfuls. other cultures are entire worlds. i like to explore the history, language, geography, and customs of this world. so one month: not enough to satiate my curiosity.
this is not to say i'm not grateful. i, for some unkown reason, have been granted incredible privileges in my life, and traveling is one of them. whenever i reflect on this, i thank God, the universe, fortune, luck, parents, everything, that conveys me across this vast earth. because i am so appreciative for the love that has been shown me.
i have more to share about Hawai'i, including pictures. this will come in the near future.
my Christmas (/Hanukah/Kwanza/New Year/holiday) wish is that you would be at peace with yourself. because it is only when the individual is at peace, that the world will be at peace. merry christmas to all and to all a good night.
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